Message from Susie Burrage

Happy New Year fellow BMRA members and supporters!

I, along with the Board, Committees and Secretariat were delighted to welcome nearly 600 members and guests to our Annual Dinner in November, one of the largest we have ever hosted. After a hiatus in 2020, it was rewarding for us, as an Association to know how many members wanted to get together, see each other, and support the industry, as well as the BMRA charity for 2021, The Royal British Legion. Your generosity helped to raised £19,800, one of the highest figures in recent years. Thank you!

January is the time of year for renewals, so make sure you send in your declaration. Remember, the Secretariat – and its specialist partners – are available by email or phone to assist you anytime you need advice be it on technical, regulatory, legislative, environmental, legal or employment issues.

As I said in my speech at the Annual Dinner, there are many regulatory mountains coming into view, and for us to climb as we move into 2022. So I hope you are all feeling well rested and refreshed after the festive break. I, for one, am ready and looking forward to working with you all in 2022 to achieve the best solutions for our industry.

Waste classification, the removal of the red diesel entitlement, VAT fraud, metal crime, are all significant issues that the BMRA tackled in 2021 and will continue to do so in 2022. Rest assured the Secretariat are working hard to ensure that the impact to the industry is as favourable for us as it can be.

We can substantially support their endeavours by being proactive, getting to know our local MPs and inviting them to see our metal recycling facilities, large or small. Remember whatever size business you are, you are a valued employer in your constituency and your voice counts.

As BMRA members, we know metals can be indefinitely recycled and all the environmental positives of metal recycling, but unfortunately this message is soon drowned out by other media, outside of our industry. The BMRA are fully embracing social media in an attempt to counteract this. Across our social media channels, particularly LinkedIn, we are now being followed by over 9,000 people. Some from our industry, but also followers from outside, so please continue to send us your good news to share and to help keep pushing metals recycling’s positive messages out there.

Don’t forget there are a great many resources available to members, with more still to come. The updated training portal can help members give employees certified training. The updated Health and Safety Manual, sections of which are still being published, is available via the members’ area of the website, alongside its accompanying posters. We also have welcomed a new energy partner which has already helped one member save £56k a month!

I am delighted that the Young British Metals Recyclers will be meeting up again soon, when our service member Bunting will host them at its newly opened Customer Experience Centre in Redditch.

The rest of us will be able to meet in person at the BMRA AGM, Golf Day and Summer Dinner on Monday July 4th. This year it is being held at the Dalmahoy Hotel & Country Club near Edinburgh. Look out for booking information in the coming months.

Until we meet again, I wish you all health, happiness, and prosperity in 2022 and please Keep Recycling!

Susie Burrage, President of the BMRA.