The YBMR has two pieces of exciting news for members.
Firstly, the age limit for the group is rising from 35 to 40. Among a myriad of reasons for this decision, one that stood out was that members felt 40 still represented a relatively young age in the industry.
Secondly, the YBMR will be convening a committee of interested individuals. The formal structure and layout of the committee is yet to be decided, but we are welcoming anyone who has a passion for bringing the industry together to join the committee. Of course, the only stipulation is you must be 40 or under.
For those perhaps unaware, the YBMR’s objective is to build foundations for the next generation of the metal recycling industry. It does this by being the BMRA’s dedicated channel for young people to come together, network, and go to fun and industry-related events.
If you are interested in joining the YBMR’s Committee, please contact your YBMR lead, Cameron Leitch via email: [email protected]