BMRA is seeking information about thefts from metal recycling sites.

BMRA has been alerted to metal theft attempts during working hours. It seems the thieves drive a van to the non-ferrous area in order to brazenly load copper into the back. There is often little support from the police services.
Antonia has raised this issue with metal theft leads in the police pointing to the fact that the gangs stealing from yards are likely to be the same people stealing from stakeholders such as BT and Network Rail. 
It has been agreed that ACC Charlie Doyle will write to the different police forces urging them to respond, and we will share information about thefts with the team mapping metal crime to highlight hot spots. This means theft from yards will be added to the national metal theft picture. 

It is very important BMRA continues to report these thefts (or attempts) into the central team so we can push for greater action by the local police. The more information we have, the easier it will be to continue to get that police action
In order to do this, we need to know when members are affected by metal theft. 
If you have suffered a theft since 2019, please can you send the following information to [email protected]:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Address
  • If there is CCTV footage
  • Crime reference number
  • Other details such vehicle registration or if the thieves left anything behind.

 It is very important that we continually report these crimes. We would ask, therefore, that sending BMRA the information requested above is written into your response plan. Please feel free to also let me know if non-member companies are affected. 
The more information we have, the easier it will be to continue to ask for police action. 
Please note: this information will be treated as strictly confidential. It will only be shared will the group undertaking the metal crime mapping project.