GD Environmental hosts local school to inspire environmental sustainability

On Friday 16 June, the eco-council from Ysgol Gymraeg Caerffili paid a visit to GD Environmental, based in Newport. GD Environmental is a division of the same group of which BMRA member, W Harold John Metals, is a part of. 

As part of its 'Sustainable Schools Initiative' GD hosted the children's visit and wanted enlighten and inspire them about the significance of environmental sustainability and waste management practices, encouraging creativity and innovative problem-solving. GD initiated discussions about The Earthshot Prize and nurturing the vision of a Waste-Free World.

The visit included a tour of the waste transfer station, where the children had the opportunity to witness the sorting and preparation of various types of waste for recycling or disposal. Additionally, they explored the wet waste yard, where organic materials are transformed into valuable resources. Throughout the visit, the children gained valuable insights into responsible waste management and sustainability practices.

Henry Hazell, Operations Manager for GD Environmental said: "We're delighted to launch our sustainable schools initiative, and it was a pleasure to welcome the eco-council from Ysgol Gymraeg Caerffili. The children seemed engaged and enthusiastic about their role in trying to prevent, reduce and reuse waste, which was brilliant to see. We’re really grateful to BMRA for their support and supplying resources and
additional learning materials for the children. We're hoping to work with BMRA to roll this out to more schools across South Wales in alignment with the government's zero-waste strategy.”

BMRA was able to supply GD Environmental with resources that focused not only only on metal recycling, but gave an overview of the circular economy compared to a linear economy, and how its adoption is more sustainable. 

Kate Magill, Marketing Manager of BMRA said: "We were delighted to be approached by GD Environmental about their 'Sustainable Schools Initiative', and provide information they could share. BMRA is open to assist members who wish to build links with their local communities, whether it be via school engagement, or working with local groups, such as Girlguiding, Scouts and other youth initiatives."