Complete an emissions survey

Last chance - Friday 18 October

BMRA is currently in the process of quantifying the United Kingdom metals recycling industry’s greenhouse gas emissions. 

To date, BMRA, with the assistance of commissioned sustainability consultants, Tunley Environmental, have sampled a small quantity of BMRA Members in order to obtain their scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. Now BMRA needs to develop a robust database in order to extrapolate the sampling data into industry-wide metrics.

As a result, BMRA, with assistance from its Carbon Action Committee has compiled a survey which asks a series of questions - which can be accessed below or here. In return for a BMRA Member completing the survey, we will enter that member in a prize draw, where one lucky winner will win a FREE table of 10 at BMRA’s Annual Dinner on Friday 15 November.

We do not expect our smaller members to have quantified their scope 3 emissions, and we do not expect smaller members to measure them as a part of our survey. However, in order to qualify for the prize draw, we do expect members to make a reasonable attempt at completing all the questions in the survey.

In order to answer questions 10 and 11, please make use of BMRA’s Carbon Calculator available here (login required). If you’re unsure how to use the calculator, please refer to the written or video guides on BMRA’s Sustainability Hub available here (login required).

Any data you submit will processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. The data will only been seen and shared between BMRA’s Cameron and Antonia, and Tunley Environmental.

BMRA may use anonymised aggregated data to establish industry figures to assist with its lobbying activities. These anonymised industry figures may also be used in public facing activities 

If you have any questions regarding completing the survey, or would like more help with any of the questions, please contact Cameron via T: 07487 545037 or E: [email protected]


Competition open to BMRA members only